Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Yes, have I 'ne cap auf'm head…

Sometimes I am surprised nevertheless somewhat. Not that it would disturb me and if I can help I help also very gladly. But I determine always again, if now, like evenly times again, for example with me ten people at the bus stop wait for the bus and it comes then someone, which wants to know, whether the line perhaps also who white where holds, then asks it me, not one the others. I regard to the people meanwhile mostly even already before, if there times again someone liked to ask me urgently somewhat.

Today was I again altogether three times in such a way. I was really only one of many, which along-went this morning the road, but beside whom the car has held and from whom wanted the driver to know, how it comes to the building market? Exactly. Of me! Fortunately I could help it. Short time later wanted a Passant of me to know, where a certain road was convenient, from which I the name did not even know. Unfortunately I could not help it thus.

Even if I now and then also a few friends on the way am and a stranger comes to us, to which a question mark is located already in the face written, then it asks not one of my friends, no, naturally but me, whom otherwise? That lies, I cannot explain myself correctly, although I thought already the-more frequent over it.

Letztens, I believes, it was on first May, there came a obviously disoriented, female person middle age to me, which wanted to nevertheless actually know from me, where she had parked hours before their car. She knew only the fact that it had been at a channel and could itself remind hardly still of a Pizzaria at the corner. Well great. It does not have to guess me a minute cost that it was probably the land military channel, but that is a little longer and which Pizzaria will have been that probably now, before which it had turned its car off? I had to interviewen it for a long time, in order to find out, which she meant probable there. Whether I lay correctly with my assumption, white I however, perhaps does not look for the lady this very day for its lost car. I do not hope however.

Sometimes I think then in such moments, I wear a cap, which is marked with “information”. I seize myself then usually briefly to the head to only determine in order and be around completely safe that I do not have such a cap on the head. Then I am only mark to some extent calmed down. Anyhow to the next one on me comes and please to know would like, where the house number is 117a here.

Well, I hope stop the fact that all the erred and disoriented one arrives always, where I hang-sent her. And that then in the long run the place is, where they wanted also. Sometimes I am not only, safe me whether I could help them.

All only red Kreuzchen

evenly I opened despite breeding heat and a little by the roads ran themselves here, the Photoapparat in the bag. And then even nevertheless still another to some extent useful photo came around thereby although I nearly already was on the way home.
Now again at home, I wanted to leave gladly to it sharings to you, therefore I had high-loaded it, see now however only a red Kreuzchen, unfortunately. Also a second attempt brought no success.
Thus pictures are unfortunately not possible here at present, are however delivered subsequently, as soon as I found the error.
However it is momentarily too hot me to think and search further about it. I believe, I better only times coldly showering will go.
Many greetings to all there outside!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Elli sits on the modem

Elli prefers always the warm Plätzchen, in particular at this season. However it selects itself normally places in addition where it can also stretch.
That is not however possible at their newest favourite place, in addition the modem is simply too small. But beautifully warmly is it nevertheless.